Dr. Jing Zhang

Associate Professor of Chinese Language and Culture

International & Area Studies Director


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Ace Academic Center 214


Ace Academic Center 116


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Chinese Language & Literature | International & Area Studies | Literature | Medieval & Renaissance Studies


Ph.D., Washington University in St. Louis
M.A., Peking University
B.A., Fudan University

Professor Zhang joined New College to start the Chinese program in 2007. She has since designed and taught Chinese language courses of all levels including an introduction to Classical Chinese. She has offered both survey and topical courses on Chinese literature and culture, covering periods, genres, writers, and literary movements of the pre-modern China extensively. Professor Zhang’s scholarly work focuses on the rise of vernacular fiction, theater, and book culture in the late Ming and Qing China. Her recent research examines book illustrations, a prominent feature of books printed in this period, as both a form of commentary and a visual attraction.

Recent Courses

First-Year Modern Chinese
Introduction to Classical Chinese
Classical Chinese Literature: A Survey
Heroism and Chinese Narratives
The Cult of Qing: Culture and Literature in the Late Ming and Qing China
Cinema and Cultural Memory: “New Cinema” in Hong Kong, Taiwan, and China

Selected Publications

“In His Thievish Eyes: The Voyeur/Reader in Li Yu’s ‘The Summer Pavilion’,” Southeast Review of Asian Studies 34 (2012): 25–42.

“重寫與戲擬:論《新博网页》中的幽默,英雄主義,以及充滿想象的閱讀,”a co-translation of Robert E. Hegel’s “Rewriting the Tang: Humor, Heroics, and Imaginative Reading” in Liyun xuekan 勵耘學刊 9 (Beijing Shifan daxue 北京師範大學, 2009): 126-56.